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IV International exhibition of innovative industrial solutions Warsaw Industry Week 2019

13 November 2019 - 15 November 2019

Warsaw Industry Week is an event dedicated to the industry, which is a place of effective meetings in business machine, metal, plastic and wood. The optimal location, specialized exhibition zones, know-how in the implementation of the industrial events, professional sectors is all to three days Warsaw Expo has taken on the character of the industrial town, where science meets business.

At the time of the events is presented offer manufacturers and distributors of machinery, metalworking, machine tools, cutting cnc machine tools, woodworking machines, forming machines, machines for laser cutting and water, lathes, tools for machining, CAD/CAM systems, software for industrial automation and Robotics in factories and production, measurement tools and industrial metrology, maintenance engineering, industrial painting, welding tools and other solutions for the wider industry.

The large space and a wide range of thematic showrooms allows you to explore news and solutions from all key industry sectors, developing in Poland.


13 November 2019
15 November 2019


<span lang ="pl">Centrum Wystawienniczo – Kongresowe Ptak Warsaw Expo</span>
Al. Katowicka 62
Nadarzyn, 05-830 Poland


<span lang ="pl">Centrum Wystawienniczo – Kongresowe Ptak Warsaw Expo</span>
+ 48 513 031 742

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