The overall objective of EE-METAL project is to encourage companies to identify cost-effective potential for delivering energy efficiency policies.
Metal and Metalworking SMEs will be hold to carry out energy efficiency measures in order to gain several benefits, mainly:
- Obtaining important savings and investments in a short-term horizon;
- Increasing competitiveness and energy performance;
- Improving innovative technologies;
- Ameliorating the industrial and manufacturing energy efficiency management;
- Adopting innovative financial solutions.
Additional figures to reach by the end of the project are:
- Energy savings of 447,55 GWh in the first 3 years.
- Investments in energy efficient technologies and renewable production of 54,20 M€.
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) not released of 110,56 ktCO2.
For companies, the benefits will be mostly made upon the energy spends. Investments with a short payback is an option which is recommended by this program in order to help companies save energy.
With a payback under 2 years for a lot of simple measures, savings can be quickly made and profitable.
Theses savings leave room for investments : R&D, better machines … but also wider and more stable margins with less dependency on raw resources. These savings make companies able to anticipate variations of energy prices without too much of an impact on margins.
This program also enables companies to become self-sufficient in the energy field in order to know how to improve their energy efficiency on their own.
With this program, companies will keep on saving but will also develop and increase their competitiveness.