CONTEXT It has been estimated that industries use nearly 40% of worldwide energy in their processes to produce materials and product. This contributes almost 37% of global GHG emissions. Given that the Metal and Metalworking sector is one of the biggest industrial sector in the EU (accounted for 25% of the value added, almost 23,5% […]
EE-METAL is an European project which aims at increasing energy efficiency and savings in SMEs of Metal and Metalworking industries. The project has been launched in March 2016 for 3 years, with the main aim of providing enterprises with several tools (such as managerial, technical, financial and trainings) in order to overcome the existing barriers […]
OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITS GENERAL OBJECTIVE The overall objective of EE-METAL project is to encourage companies to identify cost-effective potential for delivering energy efficiency policies. Metal and Metalworking SMEs will be hold to carry out energy efficiency measures in order to gain several benefits, mainly: Obtaining important savings and investments in a short-term horizon; Increasing competitiveness […]
AUDITS An Energy Efficiency Audit is an assessment and review indicating the main sources of energy consumption and risks of a company. It has notably the extent to improve energy performance and to achieve best practice through investments and alternative practices. “A typical energy audit in the industrial sector has a potential to save […]
CERTIFICATIONS EE-Metal project emphasises the implementation of the ISO 50 001 Energy Management System standard, in order to ameliorate continuously the energy performance and to achieve important energy savings. By implementing the ISO 50 001 EMS standard, companies are engaged in a continuous improvement of energy performance and savings, processes and methods. That will […]
MONITORING (SCADA) The project promotes the use of the Energy Monitoring Systems (EMS/SCADA) in SMEs in each country, as a tool for helping companies to establish systems and processes to improve their energy performance, including efficiency, consumption and savings. The use of the energy monitoring system EMS/SCADA within SMEs will be promoted through the […]
WORKSHOPS & TRAININGS Among EE-METAL initiatives, each of the companies reached by the project could rely on a cycle of workshops and training sessions, in order to train their own workers on energy efficiency strategies. These activities are organized in: 1 conference (one per EU partner), to show the overall objective of the project, […]