AIB and CSMT orginize the Final Event of the EE-METAL project.
During the event will be presented the project results and some case studies, with a focus on energy audits, ISO 50001 implementation and Energy Monitoring Systems.
The event will close with a technical visit to a foundy where an ORC plant has been installed.
9.15 Registration
9.30 Welcome and introduction
(Enrico Frigerio – AIB e Fonderie di Torbole, Riccardo Trichilo – CSMT, Carlo Fusari – Ordine Ingegneri)
9.45 Promoting tools and methodologies for energy efficiency in industries: activities and results of the EE-Metal European project
(Anna Frascarolo – CSMT, Riccardo Monaci – AIB)
10.00 Project case studies: implementation of energy audits and ISO 50001 management system in SMEs
(Massimo Bani – Nord Zinc, Alvise Mori – Mori 2A)
10.30 ISO 50001 in the SMEs of the metalworking sector
(Francesca Marini – CSMT)
11:00 Knowledge for saving: the Energy Monitoring Systems (TBC)
(Andrea Passavanti – LOVATO ELECTRIC S.p.A., TBC)
11.15 Making energy efficiency: the case of the Torbole Foundry company
(Filippo Padella – Fonderia di Torbole)
11.40 Technical visit to the foundry plant
12:45 Networking cocktail