(Association of companies of Madrid metal) and AIN (Navarre Industry Association), within the framework of the European project us-METAL, organise a seminar of energy audits aimed mainly at people involved in the training or provision of services in the area of energy/renewable energy and energy efficiency, with the aim that know developed audit methodology and its application to SMEs, to be able to subsequently be applied themselves to other SMEs.
Who is the seminar addressed?
-Technicians of energy and environment in business associations
-Trainers of energy and energy efficiency of schools (vocational training, universities,...)
-Technological development centers
-Companies that provide consulting services in energy efficiency and the environment
The seminar will take place during 8 hours in 1 day.
Inscriptions: The seminar is free of charge and registration will be handled by order of entry, although the number of places is limited, please make them with the maximum possible notice:
Direct them a:
Email: irc2@aecim.org
Phone: 91 561 0330 - Matilde Zamarro
May 30, 2017
Hours: 9:00 to 18:30 hours
Place: AECIM
C/Príncipe de Vergara, 74-1 °-28006 Madrid
Scheme seminar - duration 8 hours
1 methodology of energy audits
2. auxiliary technologies
3. industrial processes
4. power management
5 cogeneration and renewable energy